JULY 2019

Had to have a little while off the film this month as I've moved house to The New Forest. Now that wouldn't normally take a month you would think, but the truth is I've been a bit of a hoarder in my time. That means I had to do 16 trips to the dump and I was still left with 3 lorryloads of utter rubbish (aka "my belongings") to transport. Anyway, I got there and we're finally settling in. For the time being, I'm couped up in a tiny bedroom "office" but have a nice outhouse in the garden to convert as soon as I get my strength back. It totally knackered me but it has to be said, this is a wonderful place, life is slower and peaceful and I feel like I've found home, so well worth the hassle.
I'll be back on the film as soon as possible, but I have to establish a few commercial clients here first so that I can continue to invest in it. Meanwhile, I'm working on the screenplay and ideas for the trailer and will keep you up to date with how that's all going. Hopefully the glitch of moving won't delay things too much longer.