MARCH 20th 2019

Well it's March at last. So now I'm officially retired! Well... sem- retired at least as I'll keep on making Upstart & Rummage and hopefully have more time on it now. I've been making the most of it so far by cracking on relentlessy and making good progress. (That's why this blog is a bit late this month, I've been putting all my effort into the film instead of writing about it.) I'll also be taking on some commercial work as it comes along to fund the film, so that's my grand plan. Here's hoping life doesn't get in the way too much.
So, I'm still on the sequence in the Iron Works and have just a few more shots to complete before it's done. It's been a challenging effort because there's a lot going on, there's liquid simulation, fire and smoke and a lot of interacting character animation which all takes a long time and is often painstaking. I think it will last about a minute and a half, which doesn't sound much, but in animation, it really is! There's a breakdown of test renders for this scene in my APRIL blog page.

I did take a few hours off from animating to do a small piece of artwork. It's a drawing of the plans for the Flying Belltower that Rummage has designed and will appear in the film. It came out ok apart from a couple of mistakes, one of which was spotted straight away by my partner Gilly. I'd signed it "Rummage 2019" which would have been difficult for him in Victorian times! I can feel a photoshop tweek coming on before it gets into the film. You can see the artwork on the ABOUT page if you haven't already come across it.