NOV 5th 2018
I'm rendering the film out at 1920 x 1080 which is high definition and I can reproduce the film on Blu-ray. So when I've finished a sequence, I always look forward to burning a blu-ray and taking it to our tele and watching it on a large screen with every detail pin-sharp. It's actually quite unforgiving and the mistakes seem to leap out of the screen at me, but it's still nice to see it so clear.
I set up my latest scene and was very pleased to see I got full approval from Floki, our cat. He doesn't often watch the tele but I played it a few times and he was riveted.
I'm sure he turned round and muttered something about being interesting.... but maybe that was just me getting carried away with myself. Apologies for the low quality pic... the room was very dark.

NOV 9th 2018
Working on a quick sequence to go in the trailer... here's a first test render. This single shot took over an hour to render so the whole sequence of about 15 seconds will take over 2 weeks running 24/7. Too long to have a computer tied up for, so I'm working on a way to reduce that without losing quality...

Heres a LINK to the completed clip
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