OCT 20th 2018
Just completed a new scene (see below) and it's rendering away as I write. The two hero's are on their travels and are approaching another part of the town based on Market Harborough. I say "based on" because it's not strictly Market Harborough in exact detail. This scene (which is from Victorian times remember) shows a water mill that I've dropped in on the right because it will feature in the story. Anyone that recognises the other building on the left side will know that there's not a mill there, and never has been, but hey, it's a kids film, not a documentary. I personally think they should have built a mill there, and it's my film so there it is!
So.. do you recognise the other building? First person to email me the name of the building nowadays might just get a little prize!

OCT 6th 2018
Hi all. (Or perhaps hello again you sole person who reads this every few months! I hope you're well. How's the family?)
I had a nice break in St. Ives Cornwall for a few days, it gave me a little space to clear my head. Lovely part of the world.
I spent some time reflecting on the story and have re-written quite a lot (quite a common occurrence actually) so I'm much happier with it now. I didn't manage to knock it on the head though, so I'm still chipping away at it, but it's starting to come together nicely. The new part includes more of Harborough which I think it needed.
I was working the other night and became aware of some clicks and whirrs. Now this doesn't seem like it's something too bothersome for most people, but to me it instills a fear and dread. Sure enough, one of my hard drives died on me. That's 4 Terabytes of data up the swanny. Some of it was backed up, but there's so much data on my whole system, there's just nowhere to back it all up to without spending a small fortune on loads more terabytes of space. So annoyingly, I lost some stuff I'll probably need in the future. No doubt the full extent will reveal itself as I continue to work and keep getting stuck!
Anyway, luckily I think not too much of Upstart & Rummage was lost, so far it's just a few stray textures are missing which shouldn't have been on it anyway (my stupid fault). I may have them somewhere else so I'm just about to search.
Some really good news is that my circumstances regarding work should change a bit in March 2019, which should hopefully free me up to work more on the film. For me, that's a fantastic break-through, it makes it all more possible to do.
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